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Family Walking

Family Promise of Metro East

At Family Promises Metro East I directed and led an email campaign for a fundraiser called Give!Guide. In two months I helped raise $24,660 and met our goal by 123%.
Manage the social media and create content that captures the brand personality of family promise, while spreading brand awareness. Click on icons to visit Family Promise's social media to see my work:
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  • Facebook

Give!Guide Email Campaign

Happy Family
November 1st through December 31st is Give!Giude fundraiser (G!G). This was Family Promise's second year participating in G!G, which I helped fundraise 34% (or $6,240) more than last year. 

The fundraiser encompassed 17 emails and social media posts that I created for Big Give Days. On these days G!G would offer prizes to people who donated $10 or more. 



Every email was created to represent Family Promise's brand personality. The emails had engaging subject lines and descriptions that resulted in a 38.84% open rate.
Big Give Day tattoo top.png
Email Subject line:
"Donating has no "regerts""

Email Preview Text:
"Today only win a $250 to Atlas Tattoo"

470 emails sent
188 Opened
4 Clicks
0 Bounces

Big give day tattoo bottum.png
big give day email example top.png
big give day email emaple bottum.png
Email Subject line:
"Turn pages for families"

Email Preview Text:
"Today only win a $500 to Powell’ Book Store"
480 emails sent
195 Opened
25 Clicks
1 Bounce


Give!Guide Campaign Results

After the campaign, data was downloaded in order to calculate the organizations first KPI's for their campaigns.

KPI's are important because you cannot improve what you cannot measure. This analysis will help the organization achieve better results for future fundraisers.

Calculating KPI's

G!G results.png

I made all the calculations and organized the data in a Google sheet.

What I Learned From The Email Campaign

I learned that the best way to reach our demographic is by email.

According to the data, 525 people clicked on the donation link in the email. Then our social media page was visited by149 (to presumably use the link tree in our bio to donate).

Analyzing Data

facebook data.png

The Facebook data is a screenshot from Family Promise's Facebook Meta Suite.

Email Clicks vs. Emails Opened.png

I made this bar graph using data from the Google Sheet above.

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