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Girl with Arms Stretched Out

Agape Inner Freedom

I built an easy to navigate website that guides clients through a 5 step booking process that uses two different Wix apps. Each page has SEO embedded to maximize organic searches.

The complexity behind the screen is made simple for clients who want to book a session or learn about services.

About the webpage

The website was built to provide clients a simple booking experience. Additional pages guide them in learning about Inner Freedom's services and staff. 

Worked closely with Inner Freedom board members to meet specific requirements and requests. 

Starting with Research

All the webpages and images on the website use SEO. Every word was diligently chosen because of the research conducted. 

I used Google Trends and Planner to search for trending words. Chat GPT was used to create a trend list based off the Inner Freedom website. 

Keyword Research 

My Keyword List:
seo inner freedom.png
Chat GPT's Keyword List:
Longer Keyword search.png

Capturing Organic Searches

Every image and meta description was carefully crafted by selecting keywords from my research.


I chose words that were used only in Oregon because Inner Freedom provides local services. I also identified words that where trending up or had a large number of searches.

Meta Descriptions

Homepage Meta Description:
Meta Description.png
Keywords I used:
SEO fro homepage meta description .png
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